July Printables

Happy July! I hope you are enjoying the summer season! We are enjoying the slower paced warm, sun-filled days. It’s my favorite time of year! Here are the NEW printables for July! Summer I Spy Ocean Letter Recognition Game Ice Cream Shop Dramatic Play Race Car Number Recognition Game Sun Words Phoneme Blending Flower Ending…

June Printables

June is here and that means summer is just about here! It sure feels like summer here, especially now that my kids are done with school! For this month, I’ve created some printables for summer learning and some for back to school time! As always, if you have any printable suggestions, please make them on…

May Printables

New May Printables May is here and I’m so glad! School is almost done and summer is around the corner! I will continue to make new printables and add them to the club throughout the summer! As always, if you have any printable suggestions, please make them on this form. Here are the NEW printables…

April Printables

April Printables April showers bring May flowers…but in the meantime I’m here to bring you NEW printables!! Below you’ll find a short summary of each printable along with a link to the PDF. Remember, if you have an idea for printables, please let me know! Thank you for being an amazing member of the Printables…

March Printables

March is finally here and I can’t wait for spring! I’m excited to share this month’s printables with you! I was able to create 17 new printables for the club…I hope you love them! Below you’ll find a short summary of each printable along with a link to the PDF. Here are the new printables!…

February Printables

February is here, which means your NEW printables are ready for you! I had a lot of fun creating printables this month. As always, if you have suggestions for printables, please fill out the suggestion form and I will do my best to create it! Remember that the membership has hundreds of printables that you can…

January Printables

Happy 2024! I don’t know about you, but I love the beginning of the year. It’s a fresh start and a blank slate. I hope this year is a wonderful one for you! Just a reminder that I release ALL of the new printables I’ve created at the beginning of each month. As always, I…

December Printables

Happy December! This month is a crazy one with all the holiday festivities! I hope these printables make your lesson planning and prep easier so you can spend lots of time with your family and friends. Have a suggestion? Please fill out the suggestion form and I will do my best to create it! Remember that the…

November Printables

Happy November! This time of year is so busy for teachers and parents! The Printables Club is here to help you with lesson planning! As a teacher myself, I know how your time is limited! I hope this month you can use some (or all!) of the new printables in the club! Remember that the…

October Printables

Happy October! I love this time of year! The beautiful autumn leaves, the pumpkins, and all the fall activities! Just a reminder that every month I will share the newest printables in a blog post so you can stay up-to-date on the latest! Here are a few things to note: Remember that the membership has…