

Hey! I hope you found the last lesson helpful and were able to find out what kind of learner your child is. Knowing this will help you plan your day to meet their needs. You may even notice they change their learning style later on.

Today we’re going to talk about an assessment you can do to find out what your child already knows and what they should be working on. At the end of the video, you can print the assessment and try it with your child. Don’t worry, it isn’t hard and won’t take a long time!

So let’s talk about WHY this is important. First of all, it helps you understand what your child already knows and what you need to work on. It gives you a starting point and may reveal some areas of struggle for your child. You may already know what they need to work on, and that’s great! But if you’re curious, I encourage you to try the assessment. 

You will want to print off 2 copies of the assessment. Show your child the test and then record your results on another copy. The first part of the assessment is on alphabet recognition and letter sounds. Point to a letter and see if your child can identify it. If they cannot, circle the letter on your form. The next part is about reading readiness and writing. You may just have to use your own observations to assess this. I suggest giving your child a piece of paper for the writing part and having them try writing their name and writing any alphabet letters they know. Then you will see if they can match alphabet letters. If you want, you can use alphabet manipulatives for this, such as magnetic letters and see if they can match uppercase and lowercase letters. 

Next is the math assessment. You will test them on number recognition, writing numbers, colors, shapes, sorting, patterns, 1:1 correspondence, counting, and subitizing. You will have to use manipulatives, like counting bears or gems, for some of the assessments.

There are also assessments in motor skills and life skills. You can have your child perform each activity or go off of your prior observations. For the scissor skills assessment, just have them use kid-sized scissors to cut across the lines. The last section is life skills. Go off of your observations for this. This would also be a great assessment to do at the end of the year to see how your preschooler has grown! It’s very rewarding to see growth. Alright, now it’s time for you to do the assessment! 

Download it below and then meet me in the next lesson!