Preschool Spaces
I’ve taught home preschool in three different houses. Each place had a different preschool space for us. In our first home, we only had a corner of our dining room. In our second home, we had part of a room and in our current home, we have a larger room. You can honestly teach home preschool even if you only have a corner for your space.
Today I’m going to share some ideas for planning out your space. I want to reiterate that these are just examples to inspire you. Please do not feel like you have to make your space look like mine or any other pictures you see on Pinterest.
The first step is to decide WHERE you want to do home preschool. This may be a corner of a room, the kitchen table, or even a dedicated room. We’ve done a variety of things. Here’s a picture of our first home preschool space, which was a corner of our dining room. We kept everything in this 9-cube organizer from Target and then we did activities at our dining room table.
It honestly worked well! When we moved to our next home, we had a small room to do school in. Once again, we used the 9-cube organizer! We used it to store books, craft materials, and anything else I needed for lessons.
It was nice to have more space, but it didn’t really change how I did home preschool. I don’t want you to think you need an entire room for this. I know for many, space is an issue. And if it’s not, that’s great! Enjoy that big school room!
Here’s a look at a room my friend put together for her small space. It’s literally just a corner of a room, but it work! I love the posters and decorations she added to the wall. It’s visually appealing to preschoolers and clearly shows where they are doing their school time!
And here is a peek at another friend’s homeschool table. If you only have space to do this at a table, then that’s ok! I don’t want you to stress out about having a lot of space for preschool. You can do things outside, at a table, and on the floor.
In our current house, we do have a room that I’ve organized for homeschooling. It’s been my favorite space to put together. And once again, I’m using that 9-cube organizer! It’s been something we’ve used for 6 years!
Alright, that’s all I’m going to share for organizing your space. Your job is to decide where you want to do homeschooling. After you’ve decided that, move onto the next lesson, where we’ll discuss organizing your materials.